Tax prep & filing
Using Technology to Better Serve Your Needs
While we can’t get rid of your tax-filing requirement, we make the process hassle-free by leveraging SafeSend Returns.
SafeSend Returns allows us to automate the delivery, review, and signature of your federal and state income tax returns from the convenience of your computer, smartphone, or tablet. It is user-friendly, highly secure and an easier way for you to manage your tax return in the following ways:
Receive your tax returns securely and review with ease.
Reduce ink, paper, postage, and make the process greener.
For individuals, save time, and e-sign your e-file forms, receive estimated tax reminders, and pay taxes & invoices.
For businesses, save time and download, sign, and distribute K-1s electronically.
You have the option to choose how you receive your tax return when you sign your engagement letter and can always update your request by contacting firm administration or your CPA.
Getting Started
Follow the steps below to submit your tax return information. As always, feel free to contact our office with questions via phone (253) 830-5450 or e-mail.
1. Engagement Letter
For existing and new clients, we need a signed engagement letter every year. This agreement defines the engagement and communicates with us your preferences. We require one engagement letter per type of return you file with us.
Include your signed letter(s) with your workpapers when uploading, mailing, or dropping off at the office.
2. organizer
In order to get your return started, we will need your organizer filled out and submitted along with your signed engagement letter and related workpapers. If you need a copy of your personalized organizer, e-mail us. Otherwise, you can fill out a blank from the link below.
To download the Business Organizer, click on 2023 Organizer button.
3. Upload documents
Upload your Engagement Letter, Organizer, and any supporting workpapers (including excel files, etc.) to our secure Sharefile portal.
Helpful Links
IRS Direct Pay For Individuals to make 1040 or ES Payments
Electronic Federal Tax Payment System For Businesses to make Tax Payments
Tech Support
Businesses: Safesend Returns Client Guide
Individuals: Safesend Returns Client Guide