SeCure Payments
End-to-end billing and payment solutions for better performance, higher productivity, and more security.
Please note that below you will find separate payment portals for our Audit clients and Tax Advisory clients.
**As of 4/26/2024 there is a 3.0% surcharge for any credit card payments.
To avoid a 3.0% surcharge, you may use a check or debit card. Thank you for your understanding. **
*Please select the appropriate portal for your services. If you are an Audit Client, use the button below to access the Audit Services payment portal. If you need to pay for Accounting Services, Tax Services, Business Valuation, or Litigation Department Services, please use the button below to access the Tax and Advisory Services payment portal.
secure file upload
Upload docs straight to our office with the secure file-sharing platform, contact us for the link.
Electronic Signature
Having trouble signing electronically? Below are some resources to help you.